Become a member
Perks for this tier:
Shop discount (will automatically apply to anything in the store but cannot be combined with other discounts) -
Sneak peaks and early access to new merch -
VIP status in my Twitch channel
Perks for this tier: Shop discount (will automatically apply to anything in the store but cannot be combined with other discounts) -
Sneak peaks and early access to merch -
VIP status in my Twitch channel -
Special Discord role in the Lacemakers Discord -
Access to Secret Discord channel -
Vote in polls (help decide topics to cover on stream, what new merch to make, etc.)
Perks: Free shipping and shop discount (will automatically apply) -
Sneak peaks and early access to merch -
VIP status in my Twitch channel -
Special Discord role in the Lacemakers Discord -
Access to Secret Discord channel -
Vote in polls (help decide topics to cover on stream, what new merch to make, etc.) -
Advance notice of when channel point redeems will be open (the physical rewards such as bookmark, custom piece, dragon)-
Sticker Club! Each month you will receive stickers in the mail from me that are related to the channel!
Perks: Free shipping and highest shop discount (will automatically apply) -
Sneak peaks and early access to merch -
VIP status in my Twitch channel -
Special Discord role -
Access to Secret Discord channel -
Vote in polls (help decide topics to cover on stream, what new merch to make, etc.) -
Advance notice of when channel point redeems will be open (the physical rewards such as bookmark, custom piece, dragon)-
Sticker Club! Each month you will receive stickers in the mail from me that are related to the channel!